This is an amazing time to conduct research in neuroscience. Novel technological breakthroughs allow for the manipulation of cell activity, the labelling neural networks, the visualisation of intricate details on a sub-cellular level, the recording of  the neural code with high temporal resolution, the studying of gene expression profiles from single cells and even the manipulation of single genes themselves.

Only through studying how the brain works, and how behaviour and cognition arises from that neural code we will be able to understand ourselves as well as the working of brains that developed differently. The insights gained will enable us to treat diseases more efficiently in the future.

The overall aim of our research is to form causal relations between cell activity and behaviour. For that purpose we use technologies that allow for the reversible manipulation of cell activity (opto- and chemogenetics), technologies that allow for the recording of neurotransmitter release at sub-second resolution (amperometry and chronoamperometry), as well as complex and automated behavioural assessment that taps into motor and non-motor domains. We believe that a combination of these technologies will allow us to gain greater insight as well as to  make treatments for neurodegenerative disorders safer and more efficient.

Behavioural Neuroscience Lund University Andreas Heuer BNL optogenetics chen-genetics dopamine transplant
Behavioural Neuroscience Lund University Andreas Heuer BNL optogenetics chen-genetics dopamine transplant
Behavioural Neuroscience Lund University Andreas Heuer BNL optogenetics chen-genetics dopamine transplant
Behavioural Neuroscience Lund University Andreas Heuer BNL optogenetics chen-genetics dopamine transplant
Behavioural Neuroscience Lund University Andreas Heuer BNL optogenetics chen-genetics dopamine transplant


Lund University

Behavioural Neuroscience Laboratory

c/o Andreas Heuer

Wallenberg Neuroscience Center, B10

Sölvegatan 17, 221 84 Lund, Sweden


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